Bridgeville, PA Facility

600 Mayer Street
Bridgeville, PA 15017
412-257-7640 fax
412-220-7678 - HR - Now Hiring Call Today
The Bridgeville facility produces specialty steels, including stainless steel, tool steel and aircraft quality low alloy steels, in a wide variety of grades and melt qualities including argon oxygen decarburization (AOD) quality, electro-slag remelted (ESR) quality and vacuum-arc remelted (VAR) quality.
The stainless steel and low alloys grades are produced in semi-finished long product forms for our forger and reroller customers, as well as supplying our Dunkirk and North Jackson facilities for further conversion to finished long products. Tool steel grades are produced as both hot rolled plate sold to service centers and semi-finished long products supplied to our North Jackson facility for further production to finish bar.
The Bridgeville facility also produces stainless and low alloy grades of flat bars sold to the aerospace and power generation markets. The facility also provides hot rolling conversion services on its blooming mill.